Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Obama Deception

Sorry, but I don't have anything particularly interesting right now. It's kind of difficult to juggle three blogs with limited time on my hands, and there's some particularly interesting things I can write about on politics, but I need time to organize my thoughts. They like to scatter sometimes, and it can be hard to put them together!

Anyway, it seems everyone's favorite conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones, is working on a documentary called The Obama Deception. I missed out on his George W. Bush documentary, but this one looks quite promising, if he doesn't alienate his audience by rambling on about conspiracy theories, that is. I do enjoy conspiracy theories, I admit. I read up on what the 9/11 Truthers put up, the moon landing conspiracy, etc. I don't necessarily buy into them (although there's a few I might soon), but I do take interest in them.

However, a lot of people don't, and anything, however factual, that seems a little "out there" will scare them away from viewing it. Thus, while Alex's film might be full of juicy information for me to look into, I'm afraid that he might wind up shooting himself in the foot if he goes on about a New World Order agenda. I do believe in that theory, but I'm afraid too many "rational" people don't.

Anyway, here's the trailer.

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