Monday, April 20, 2009

CNN + Tea Parties = Awesome Behind-the-Scenes Footage!

Believe it or not, I'm not a huge fan of these tea parties going on, but more on that in a later article. However, I believe that a number of the people who attend them are passionate, and probably more open to conservative and Libertarian philosophy than a lot of people. They aren't there yet, and there's too much space for neocons to step in and overtake these little parties. Not to mention, some of them lack any kind of spirit at all (I feel another article coming along).

Anyway, here's a CNN reporter who attempted to "report", or biasly bash the tea parties and paint them as being a movement created by right-wing extremists who are angry that Repubicans lost this year's election. This clip includes the segment that CNN actually aired, followed by some awesome bloggers who got there right afterwards and managed to catch the reporter being told off by a very angry woman!

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